All these internal costs need to be included in your calculations. All but the very small projects benefit greatly from having this as a full-time role. It is important to have a single person assigned as project or program manager. Subsequently, deciding later in the project that they would prefer the partner perform all end-user training. However, it is worth noting that although the train-the-trainer approach is commonly proposed and planned for, it is one area where clients often change their mind. You, as a client, are also usually responsible for preparing User Acceptance Testing scripts, and all end-user training. For example, data preparation and migration, report writing, system documentation, security set up, and training. Specific tasks are usually allocated to internal people. The demands on their time will naturally vary throughout the project.

Most organizations identify a set of “Business Process Owners” (or Super Users or Subject Matter Experts) who provide the main point of contact for the partner implementation team. Depending on the size of your project, the complexity of your requirements, your approach to change management, as well as the speed at which you wish to deploy – you can be looking at part-time commitments from key individuals, to a full-time commitment from many people across the organization. Implementation projects can be a significant draw on internal resources, and the cost of those resources must be included in your TCO.